HomeDrawing up inventory. Archive inventories are composed in order to ensure archives' integration in an organization for all closed actions in clerical correspondence, which are in permanent or temporary (more than 10 years) storage and which have passed value expertize by staff. Archive inventory is an archive guide which contains systematized list of storage units from archive materials. It is intended to record them and reveal its content. Archive inventories are composed separately for staff files, permanent storage files temporary storage files ( more than 10 years) and also documents that are specific for this organization ( such as investigations, law cases, scientific reports).
Single archive inventory is a book of business with independent ordinal numeration. In every business unit of the organization archive inventories are composed annually under direct methodic supervision of the archival body. Documents are moved to the archive according to these inventories. Archive inventories, prepared by business units, stem for the preparation of an overall inventory, which is composed by archive body and according to which it register businesses on a permanent storage.
Archive inventories of business units are prepared by archive body in the prescribed form in a set of three. They are given to archive in a year after the termination of in clerical correspondence. Inventories' clauses of business unit include such components as:
1. Serial number of file (volume, part) in accordance with the inventory 2. File (volume, part) dates 3. File index 4. Title of file (volume, part); fully corresponding to its title on the cover. 5. Foliation 6. Storage time expiration
Annual section of the overall inventory of organization is composed by archive on the basis of business units inventories under direct methodic supervision of the archival body .
Liquidation of business. In case of liquidation all documents of organization pertain to be moved to permanent state storage. Documentation is moved to permanent storage properly arranged and include corresponding scientific reference and actuarial copies of extra valuable and specific documents. Organization to be dissolved moves archival documentation including staff documents to city archive by means of internal funds. These documents are moved to city archives on state storage until liquidation is terminated in accordance with legislation.
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